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Hanging Moss Road Church of Christ
Our Vision Forward: "We Are Accelerating Our Faith Through the Power of the Holy Spirit by Renewing Our Commitment to Christ, the Church, the Core Values of Jesus, and the Great Commission!"
5225 Hanging Moss Road, Jackson, MS 39206

Join Us Each Sunday
- 10am for Worship Service (In-person and Live on FB) and
- 9am Sunday School for all ages in-person
*(Masks not required, but available)*

* (601) 982-5219
We love seeing new and familiar faces in worship service with us. Please take a moment to fill out the form to help us prepare for your visit.
Contact Us:
Hanging Moss Road Church of Christ
5225 Hanging Moss Road
Jackson, MS 39206 *
Church Office: 601-982-5219 * Childcare/Sec: 601-366-8762
Plan your visit with us!
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